Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings


Items selected from the online resources at Medelhavsmuseet with African origination.

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Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

Katalog över Egyptiska museets botaniska utställning (1938), utställningskatalog iordningställd av Vivi Täckholm inför utställningen 1938. Nytryck 1994.@eng Hittade i El Assassif, Thebe, 1918-19 av en expedition från Metropolitan Museum, New …

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

S.N. E 0252 The object was given a temporary number in 2015.@eng Egypt@eng

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

Deposition från Nationalmuseum 1928. Horus-the-Child standing on two crocodiles with snakes in his hands. A Bes face above him. All in raised relief. On the other side threee gods underneath …

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

Fouad I University, probably gift through Vivi Täckholm@eng Herbarium containing plant specimen, mounted on separate sheets. Also contain loose labels. EX HERBARIO FOUAD I UNIVERSITATIS.@eng MM 34131a The object was …

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

MERIMDE Träkol Q4 på 100 cm djup@eng MM 34051 Excavation by Austrian-Swedish mission.@eng The object was registered March 2016.@eng Stored in a glass jar.@eng Q4@eng Egypt@eng

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

A very fine and fragile piece of cloth. Exclusive binding. @eng S.N. E 0228 Egypt@eng

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

Belongs to a collection of plants etc donated in 1981 by Max Willborg, who had acquired them from a Swede who had lived in Egypt, ambassador Uni Eng. He had, …

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

Merimde Frön Q4 -100 Härd@eng MM 34049 Excavation by Austrian-Swedish mission.@eng Stored in a glass jar.@eng sample was taken in 2015 by J.Rowland for AMS dating in Poznan lab.@eng The …

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

Diener 1967 Mumier i röntgenljus i Medicinhistorisk Årsbok 1967: 40-47.@eng Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 1940 Bd 34 H. 2; Vivi Täckholm Faraos blomster sid 213 ff.@eng Faraos blomster : en kulturhistorisk-botanisk …

Medelhavsmuseet · 31 October 2016 Swedish

Merimde Frön T6 -140@eng MM 34045 Excavation by Austrian-Swedish mission.@eng The object was registered March 2016.@eng Stored in a glass jar.@eng T6 -140@eng Egypt@eng