Africa South
Digital Innovation South Africa
Africa South, a journal edited by Ronald M. Segal (1932-2008) was launched in Cape Town in 1956. The journal was published quarterly while funds were available. The last and final publication was issued in 1961. Ronald M. Segal claimed to be a socialist, and was an anti-apartheid activist who crossed the South African border into exile in 1960 with the African National Congress leader, Oliver Tambo. Views and opinions were expressed in Africa South regarding the movements for freedom, discrimination and the struggle for liberation. The articles were related on issues of interest to the masses, the liberals, the communists and the socialists. Subjects covered issues around the church and the state; the political situation in South-West Africa; Central Africa to North Africa, discussions around their revolution and independence and occasionally covered current events in countries outside of Africa. Africa South also featured short-stories by some well-known authors such as Alan Paton; adding some light-heartedness to politics were the cartoons by various artists such as David Marais; and included book reviews. Various events such as the bus boycotts, political trials and the Sharpeville uprising were featured.
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DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 October 1961 English
A Valediction of forbidding mourning. Cartoon. The Great smear: communism and congress in South Africa. Out of the strike. Techniques of revolt. The Cloudy isle. A Long time dying: Central …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 July 1961 English
Exodus. Cartoon. The Commonwealth Conference. The Height of treason. The Living dead. Anglicans and apartheid. The Higher education of race. Death in South African mines. Towards a climax. Legendary literature. …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 April 1961 English
Case history in suicide. Cartoon with caption Yessir, baas, I believes in independence too. The gold of migrant labour. African trade unionism in South Africa. The crisis in the Dutch …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1961 English
The Single standard. Cartoon. The Referendum and after. Cartoon. The Same boat. Diary of a detainee. The Birth of African nationalism. Four years of treason. Monckton and Cleopatra. Northern Rhodesia's …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 October 1960 English
The Heart of darkness. Cartoon. The Pondoland massacre. Cartoon. The Pattern of South Africa's emergency. Pretoria Central Gaol, 1960. A Foreign correspondent in South Africa. Diary from refuge. Referendum for …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 July 1960 English
Sunshine and Sharpeville. Cartoon. The Nineteen days. The Lion and the cockerel. Cartoon. African and Indian in Durban. The Prisons of apartheid. Petition from Gaol. Cartoon. The Emperor's clothes. The …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 April 1960 English
Foundation cream. Cartoon. Portrait of a millionaire: 'I Harry Oppenheimer'. The Progressive Party. Congress and the Africanists: (1) the Africanist case. Congress replies. The Mafekeng affair. The Beecher story. Christian …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1960 English
The Two faces of terror. Cartoon. Nationalist contempt of court. The White opposition splits. Rights and riots in Natal. Travels in tribalism. The Bantustan fantasia. The Abyss of Bantu education. …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 October 1959 English
Revolution is now. Cartoon. On the boycott. Durban explodes. The African industry. The African on the farm. The New serfdom. Universities in ethnasia. The Potato harvest. The Reply of Makerere. …
DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 July 1959 English
Dear Sir Roy. Emigrant ship. The Senate farce. Revolution: further reflections. The Place of boycott. The Africanists cut loose. Congress and the Africanists. Sports test for South Africa. Orlando revisited. …