Northern Nigeria: Precolonial documents preservation scheme - major project - General Correspondence [1916-1921]

Northern Nigeria: Precolonial documents preservation scheme - major project - General Correspondence [1916-1921]

Endangered Archives Programme

The material consists of official correspondence exchanged within 1914 and 1921 between the office of the British High Commissioner for the Northern Provinces and other colonial officers in various parts of Northern Nigeria. The material deals with diverse topics including slavery, Islam, control of labour and other labour issues. Extent and format of original material: 854 items in paper format.

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Scheme for amalgamation of agricultural department northern and southern province
Troops from Cameroons-discontent of regarding good conduct, pay etc
Murder trial of Azi and Aduse
Keffi-emir of (Abdullahi)-permission to be allowed to retire
Kabba Division, Ilorin Province-notes on by the Acting Lt. Governor (Mr. H. R. Palmer)
Position and repatriation of Cameroons-natives
Flogging of soldiers
Slave law as applied to christians
Reform of Zaria Native Administration goal
Reform of Zaria alkali's courts
Attack on villages by raiders parties from Air
Pro-German propaganda- suggestions of on river Benue
Aliens-trading in pagan villages
Recruiting of carriers from non-combatant tribes
Confidential report-native staff
Forced labour in Kabba Division
Steps to be taken for stopping practice of flogging of women by native courts
British subjects of military age employed by trading firms
French troops from Dakar-third contingent
Complaint against certain native official by Emir of Katsina