cover image: Article for Jeff Opland - South African (sic) Foundation

Article for Jeff Opland - South African (sic) Foundation

1985-02-08 to 1985-02-20

Article for Jeff Opland - South African (sic) Foundation. Assessment of the State President’s [P.W. Botha] speech at the Opening of Parliament, 1985, his offer to Nelson Mandela and other prisoners and banned organisations, such as the ANC and PAC and the acknowledgement of Blacks outside the Homeland areas; sees a clear shift from Separate Development or Apartheid; the consequences of these initiatives accompanied by a letter requesting an analysis of what the recent announcements by P.W. [Botha], [F.W.] de Klerk and others add up to.
slabbert, f. van zyl (frederik van zyl), 1940-2010 south africa -- politics and government -- 20th century


Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010, Opland, Jeff

1 5
Published in
South Africa
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Frederik van Zyl Slabbert Collection
