cover image: Interview with Roger Sherfield, 1986 [3]


Interview with Roger Sherfield, 1986 [3]


Lord Roger Sherfield (Roger Makins) spent most of his career in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, serving as Ambassador to the United States from 1953-1956. He was Chairman of UK Atomic Energy Commission from 1960-1964. In this second interview, he begins with memories of the period of the Atoms for Peace speech and the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency, including Britain’s role in assisting other countries – India in particular – with their programs. He specifically recalls the “upbeat” mood at the inauguration of the Trombay reactor in 1954, then discusses nuclear questions in the Third World more broadly. The interview ends with a detailed recollection of the uproar in Britain over President Truman’s implication that nuclear weapons might be used in Korea; the issue was resolved only after the president and Prime Minister Attlee were able to discuss the issue in private.
united nations nuclear energy nuclear weapons physicists great britain soviet union international atomic energy agency korean war, 1950-1953 goldschmidt, bertrand attlee, c. r. (clement richard) 1883-1967 cockcroft, john, sir 1897-1967 bhaba, homi j eisenhower, dwight d. (dwight david) 1890-1969 kennedy, john f. (john fitzgerald) 1917-1963 truman, harry s. 1884-1972 chadwick, james 1891-1974 nehru, jawaharlal 1889-1964


Sherfield, Roger Mellor Makins, Baron, 1904

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