cover image: Pantheon. 1,2. Group of Pthah-Sokar-Osiris, with Isis & Nepthys [Nephthyd] & Athor? ; 3. Perhaps the god of the solar disc ... ; 4. Singular instance of a dog with the figure of a deceased person between its paws. Found by me [i.e. Wilkinson] in a tomb at Thebes.


Pantheon. 1,2. Group of Pthah-Sokar-Osiris, with Isis & Nepthys [Nephthyd] & Athor? ; 3. Perhaps the god of the solar disc ... ; 4. Singular instance of a dog with the figure of a deceased person between its paws. Found by me [i.e. Wilkinson] in a tomb at Thebes.


1-3. are of earthenware, 4. of stone.
agriculture egypt antiquities civilization dogs gods egyptian


Wilkinson, John Gardner, Sir, 1797-1875

Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, including their private life, government, laws, art, manufactures, religions, and early history
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