cover image: Description de l'Égypte


Description de l'Égypte


For collation of the work see London institution, Library, A bibl. account and a collation of La description de l'Égypte, London, 1833. Edited by E.F. Jomard; historical preface by J.B.J. Fourier--See the British Museum Catalogue under Egypt. Volumes published 1817-1828, have imprint: de l'Imprimerie Royale. Four versions of the first edition were issued: one with a single colored plate; one with sixteen colored plates; one on "papier velin"; and one on "papier velin", "wherein were inserted the earliest impressions of the plates, and those printed in colours were retouched by the pencil. The latter copies for the most part were presented as national gifts."--See London Institution, page 19. Illustrated with engravings, etchings, col. aquatints; some plates are folded, some hand-colored. The principal artist of the "Carte topographique" was Blondeau, assisted by eighteen others. "Mémoire sur la construction de la carte de l'Égypte" by Pierre Jacotin (État moderne [text], volume 2, part 2). "De l'état actuel de l'art musical en Égypte" by Guillaume André Villoteau (État moderne [text], volume 1, pages 607-846); "Description historique, technique et littéraire, des instrumens de musique des Orientaux" (volume 1, pages 847-1012). "Préface historique" by M. Fourier is the same size as the ten vols. of ordinary plates--See London Institution. Histoire naturelle, volume 2 (bis), issued without a title page. Histoire topographique has own title page. The text was issued in livraisons as 11 volumes (including the plate-sized Préface historique. Explication des planches); the plates in 10 volumes in several formats (71 x 54 cm., 107 x 69 cm., 127 x 70 cm.) totaling 894 plates, with 36 additional prepared to be bound into the text volume. The Carte topographique is in the "grand monde" or large format. Catalogue of the books, manuscripts, maps and drawings in the British Museum (Natural History), volume 2, pages 606-607 Also available online. Elecresource SCNHRB copy 2 has planche 3 ("L'Aspic") of Zoologie. Reptiles (Supplément) from Histoire naturelle atlas 1, only (39088017216649), engraved by Tresca. SCNHRB copy 2 of planche 3 ("L'Aspic") has been disbound and is housed in an acid-free folder. The plate is inscribed in pencil on the recto: U.S.N.M. accession no. 204502, from Jacob Kainen, State. Dept. rec. Feb. 1955; there is also a partially legible handwritten note in ink dated août 1812, possibly by someone involved in the production of the atlas. SCNHRB copy 2 has mounted on the verso: a carbon copy of an unclassified typescript memo completed by hand. The memo is addressed to the Department of State, Washington from the AM[erican?] Consulate, Nice France, dated January 6, 1955, with subject line: Publications: engraving for use of government. The body of the memo says, "There is enclosed, for such use as may be made of it, possibly by the Smithsonian Institute, a single zoological engraving of considerable antiquity found in the Villa Warden, the official consular residence at Nice. The engraving was presumably acquired with the building. It was concealed behind books in the library which were also acquired when the property was purchased." The memo is signed by A.E. Clattenburg, Jr. A handwritten note appears at the bottom of the memo: "Forwarded from Jacob Kainen of the State Dept. on Feb. 4, 1955." SCNHRB copy 3 has a partial copy of Histoire naturelle atlas 2, only, with the following plates bound together in 1 v.: Arachnides, plates 1-8; Myriapodes, plate 1; Orthoptères, plates 1-7; Névroptères, plates 1-3; Hymenoptères, plates 1-20. In addition, several folded plates of Crustacés are laid in at the back of the volume: 1, 3-7, 9-13. SCNHRB copy 3 has bookplate: Harry Hoogstraal, Library of Ticks and Tickborne Diseases. There are numerous handwritten annotations on the plates, probably in Hoogstraal's hand. Each plate also has a faint blind-embossed circular impression, probably an ownership stamp that has not been identified. SCNHRB copy 3 has laid in: a carbon copy of a typescript letter from H. Hoogstraal, Head, Medical Zoology Dept., to Dr. Herbert G. Stoenner, Director, Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton, Montana, dated June 10, 1976. The letter states that Hoogstraal is donating this volume from his personal library to the Rocky Mountain Laboratory library. SCNHRB copy 3 has a later blind-tooled half-leather binding with marbled paper boards, gilt-lettered spine, and decorated endpapers. A binder's label is mounted on the front paste-down endpaper: Bookbinder V. Wachter, Cairo. Housed in a modern green cloth slipcase with black spine label. Some of the plates have been torn and repaired. SCNHRB copy: for more complete documentation of holdings see Cullman Library files. Catalogued with this set is a 22 cm. reprint of volume 2 of text of Hist. nat. pages 99-144: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, E. Desc. des mammiferes. [Paris, 1818]. SCNHRB copy atlases (39088016461535, -1576, -1618, -1659, -1691, -1773, -1774, -1816, -1857, -1543, -1584, -1626, -1667, -1709, -1741, -1782, -1824, -1865) with early Smithsonian Institution property stamps. Text: Antiquités-Descriptions (2 volumes) -- Antiquités-Mémoires (2 volumes) -- État moderne (2 volumes in 3) -- Histoire naturelle (2 volumes) -- Préface historique. Plates: Carte topographique de l'Égypte -- Antiquités -- État moderne -- Histoire naturelle (2 volumes) The first comprehensive description of ancient and modern Egypt, compiled by the 165 members of the Institut de l'Égypte established by Napoleon to accompany his expedition to Egypt in 1798-1801. This exhaustive survey of all aspects of ancient and modern life in Egypt was carried out under the supervision of the mathematician Gaspard Monge, the appointed President of the new Institute (of which Napoleon was Vice-President).
united states france music natural history scientific expeditions jomard hoogstraal, harry institut d'egypte (1798-1801) rocky mountain laboratory villoteau, guillaume andré monge, gaspard wachter, v tresca, salvadore clattenburg, a. e fourier, jean baptiste joseph blondeau, alexandre napoleon jacotin, pierre jollois, jean baptiste prosper stoenner, herbert kainen, jacob


France Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte, Napoleon I Emperor of the French 1769-1821, Jomard M (Edme-François) 1777-1862, Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph baron 1768-1830, Jollois, Jean Baptiste Prosper 1776-1842, Monge, Gaspard 1746-1818, Jacotin, Pierre 1765-1827, Villoteau, Guillaume André 1759-1839, Blondeau, Alexandre, Tresca, Salvadore 1750?-1815, Hoogstraal, Harry 1917-1986 DSI, Kainen, Jacob DSI, Clattenburg, A. E (Albert E.) DSI, Stoenner, Herbert DSI, Wachter, V. DSI, Institut d'Egypte (1798-1801), France Armée Armée d'Orient (1798-1801), United States Department of State DSI, Rocky Mountain Laboratory DSI

1809-1822 [i.e.1828]
19 volumes in 27 : illustrations (engravings), (some color, some folded), maps, music, plans, portraits ; 39-110 cm
Place Discussed
Smithsonian Institution
Published in
Digital Public Library of America

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