cover image: A suburban cafe. the two men on the bench in the foreground are playing a game called mankalah; small pebbles are placed, according to certain rules, in hemispherical holes in a board. This game exercises the powers of calculation; and it is often played at cafes. The loser is expected to pay not only for the coffee drunk by himself and his antagonist, but by the spectators of the game.

A suburban cafe. the two men on the bench in the foreground are playing a game called mankalah; small pebbles are placed, according to certain rules, in hemispherical holes in a board. This game exercises the powers of calculation; and it is often played at cafes. The loser is expected to pay not only for the coffee drunk by himself and his antagonist, but by the spectators of the game.


egypt coffee games cairo cafes towers


Woodward, John Douglas (1846-1924)

Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt
Prints Illustrations
23 x 16 cm
Place Discussed
Egypt Cairo
The New York Public Library
Published in
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