cover image: Journée internationale de la femme – Mali


Journée internationale de la femme – Mali


This fabric celebrates the women of Mali and International Women’s Day, as well as female economic autonomy. The fabric features an emblem in which a woman holding a child stands next to a man, as well as the fabric’s slogan over a green, orange, and white background with a repeating blue and green design. Text: 8 mars 2017 Mali; MPFEF; Ministère de la promotion de la femme, de l’enfant et de la famille; Journée international de la femme; "Autonomisation économique des femmes dans un monde de travail en pleine évolution." Translation: March 8, 2017 Mali; Ministry for the Promotion of Women, Children, and Families; International Women’s Day; “Economic empowerment for women in a working world in full evolution.” Produced in Ségou, Mali by La Compagnie Malienne des Textiles (COMATEX SA).
women — mali cotton textiles — mali commemorative textile fabrics — mali women in development — mali international women's day — mali mali. ministère de la promotion de la femme, de l'enfant et de la famille
Description of object
Cotton ; 3.75 feet by 3 feet
Format of Original
Three dimensional object
Published in
Images of Commemorative Fabrics from Africa