cover image: Deng Jok Ajuoong Part 8


Deng Jok Ajuoong Part 8

18 Jun 2019

In the first segment of the song the singer praises himself as a hard worker, claiming that whatever he does is perfect - i.e. when he cultivates, he always has a good harvest. Farming rewards the needs of the farmer. Through his hard work he has managed to buy the cow, Diing (brown and white colour). In the second segment, he praises Diing (referred thus in the Ageer dialect, but as Ageer in other Dinka dialects). Diing is the same colour pattern as a certain fish, that resembles a snake. This fish is extremely rare and people are afraid of it. The fishermen always avoid the place where it is found as it has a sharp fin ('horn'). But it is an attractive colour and has big bright silver scales. It is also delicious and when eaten, only its bones will be left over, as if left by a vulture. The third segment of the song is about Madiing, the ox that he acquired through hard work.In the fourth segment he sings about the unity of Dinka people. The singer cautions members ('brothers') of the SPLA not to spy on each other, or reveal them to the 'Arabs' (Sudanese in the north). In addition, he reminds the people that singers are like lawyers; they can not be left behind but they can also be taken along to resolve conflicts, as their role is to lead. He also praises his clan and his age-set, Mabeek, suggesting that no one stands against them as they are the sons of Anei. Information about performer: age 71, both parents from the Ageer area; grew up in Maluth County (Upper Nile State).
traditional and folk music cow songs


Deng Jok Ajuoong, Elizabeth Achol Ajuet Deng

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United Kingdom
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