cover image: Ageer Padang Women Part 2


Ageer Padang Women Part 2

18 Jun 2019

This song was performed by a women's group during the war in South Sudan. It is an encouraging song about Dr. John Garang and Koryom, a battalion of the SPLA. The women start the song by singing 'The Arabs said we are afraid, how can we be afraid while John Garang is strong?' Dr. Garang, the son of Mabior, was the leader of the SPLA who successfully defeated the enemy who has settled in the south. The soil of Upper Nile (province of the South) cannot be left to donkey eaters (insulting reference to northern 'Arabs'). We have struggled hard for our land. The border between North and South has been defined. The Koryom battalion has now captured Juko (village in Nuer area) and Jamuth (another SPLA battalion) is providing backup support. [Accompaniment: handclapping]
traditional and folk music political songs


Elizabeth Achol Ajuet Deng

Published in
United Kingdom
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