cover image: Twic Rek Men (Deng Deng Cyer is lead singer) Part 2


Twic Rek Men (Deng Deng Cyer is lead singer) Part 2

18 Jun 2019

This song is a battlefield song. It is usually sung to encourage young men to stand firm during the fighting. At the start, the lead singer (Deng Deng Cyer) introduces himself and his friends. He then thanks the team who are making the recording, for preserving Dinka culture and values. According to the singer, this song was sung in the past, when they were in conflict with neighbouring group. But now they have only one enemy: the Arabs/northerners. He says, it is always one person who starts the song, and then the group answers him. Then he starts "Ala! Ala! We never let people disrespect us in our Ala (a fertile area for cows to graze) of Ajakleng. We are the age group of Ayuil Mayar Cyier. Stand firm Panek Ring, at the front line. Our spears are covered with blood. We have taken over our area through fighting." Ayuil commands the group to pass through the toc (swampy area).' Then the group answer: "Adiang! Adiang!"' Adiang refers to the name of the Adiang section, which is named after their female ancestor. Adiang was a strong woman who managed to take a round head pad (kuoc) one that was considered to have spiritual power - by force from another group, and she brought it to her husband. She also took by force Majok (white and black bull), and brought him to her husband, so that he became the leader of the cattle camp. They continue singing that the Adiang are feared throughout the Dinka territory. People of Adiang of Cyier are known to be good fighters. "I left my children and cows behind to defend our area. I became poor. They wanted me to leave my area and go to Khartoum. I will never withdraw/surrender. I will suffer in silence. I will be patient as a leader of the cattle camp.My spear will never fall down without killing a person. The vulture is flying around. Adiang stands firm."' This is not about a particular individual; it is sung on behalf of the group. Then the leader continues to address the enemy: "We are protected by our ancestor's spirit of Cyier Deng. Be aware that the male buffalo is coming towards you. We are strong as bees. We have the spirit of our ancestor who protects us always. We raided the cows of the the group led by Malong Ajuong (part of the Malual Dinka) and we left men, women, and children crying. We collected the white cows owned by the chief. We come as a storm that scares everybody." Information about performer: time away from Dinka territory: Deng Deng Cyer (lead singer): during 70s in Khartoum,age Deng Deng Cyer (lead singer): approx. 55, Deng Deng Cyer (lead singer): both parents from the Wunrok Payam (Twic County, Bahr El Ghazal).
traditional and folk music war songs


Twic Rek Men, Elizabeth Achol Ajuet Deng

Published in
United Kingdom
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