cover image: South Africa: law and men

South Africa: law and men


Extended description: M. et Mme de Proft et leurs 4 enfants vivent dans une banlieue modeste du Cap.M. de Proft, d’origine belge, est né en Afrique du Sud.Il vit depuis 28 ans avec une femme mulâtresse qu’il considère comme son épouse et qui lui a donné 5 enfants.L’Immorality Act interdit les relations sexuelles interraciales.En violant celle lui, Mme de Proft ont dû, pendant plus de 20 ans, cacher leur amour, vivant dans  l’angoisse quotidienne d’être arrêtés et séparés. L’apartheid est une loi qui sépare complètement les Blancs et les Noirs d’Afrique du Sud. Mis en place en 1948, il a été aboli en 1991. Mr and Mrs de Proft and their 4 children live in a modest suburb of Cape town.Mr de Proft, 50 years old, of Belgian origin, was born in South Africa.He has been living for 28 years with the one he considers his wife and who is colored.She has given him 5 children. The Immorality Act forbids sexual relations between different races.By violating this law, Mr and Mrs de Proft have had to hide their love for more than 20 years, living with the fear of being arrested and separated.Apartheid is a law which formalized racial discrimination between White and Black people in South Africa. It was created in 1948 and abolished in 1991.   Information:
human rights south africa droits de l'homme racism racisme afrique du sud society and social issues justice & rights


Josy Dubié, Claude Lebrun

Place Discussed
South Africa
Published in
South Africa
Rights URI
To be continued

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