(1953) Nnamdi Azikiwe, “Speech on Secession”


(1953) Nnamdi Azikiwe, “Speech on Secession”

12 May 1953

In 1953 when Northern Nigerians were beginning to consider secession from the Nigerian colony that would soon be a nation, Nnamdi Azikiwe gave a speech before the caucus of his political party, the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) in Yaba, Nigeria on May 12, 1953. That speech, while not disallowing secession, suggested that there would be grave consequences if the Northern region became an independent nation. Ironically, fourteen years later, Azikiwe led his Eastern Region out of Nigeria and created Biafra, a move that prompted a bloody three year civil war.
nigeria independence


Nnamdi Azikiwe

Published in
Nigeria, Yaba

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