Many of these legends have had to endure great suffering and have sacrificed so much in the hope that all people should live a life of free- dom and dignity. [...] As you well know, the role of the queer archive is to ensure that the histories, narratives and lived experiences of LG- BTIQ people are never again relegated to obscurity. [...] Neither you nor Tata Tutu hes- itated in lending your support to the project of reclaiming and re-affirming the histories and narratives of LGBTIQ people in South Africa. [...] Apart from being our patron, your pub- lic presence as an activist, lawyer, ju- rist and gay man is a personification of your contribution to the freedom and liberation of our people. [...] Your humility is evidenced in your ability to ensure that your voice doesn’t drown out the voices of others who don’t enjoy the privilege afforded to you as a white, gay man. [...] You have made a tremendous positive impact on the lives of many in South Africa and this is reflected by people’s own accounts of their experiences of you. [...] Your impact on legal scholarly research and its contribution to the shaping of the post-apartheid legal dispensation has been a critical enabler of human rights for LGBTIQ people. [...] In addition, your leading contribution to the development of equality jurispru- dence in South Africa has had a materi- al effect on the advancement of dignity, equal treatment and inclusion for LGB- TIQ people across the country. [...] September’s determination and resolve to hold the state account- able in upholding her rights as en- shrined in the Constitution will have far-reaching implications for the rights of transgender persons in South Africa. [...] The Out in Africa (OIA) Gay & Les- bian Film Festival was launched in 1994 and set out to address the lack of visibility of LGBTIQ people in South African cultural life.
- Pages
- 8
- Published in
- South Africa