I thought this would be a great opportunity for us to revisit that interview, and then take the Fea- tured Fam section of the newsletter to reflect on her life and what it means to be able to have her story down in queer history. [...] Fast- forward ten years to the mid-1990s and South Africa found itself in the midst of a national health crisis that continues to haunt our country. [...] The criminalised context adds to the dangers involved in sex work in terms of health and safety. [...] GALA is heartbroken to announce that our kind and loyal mother, Nobantu Nqolobe, passed away on the 19th of January. [...] The full transcript of the interview and the Balancing Act publication are available on request. Sivu Tywabe is a television producer who has been striving for queer vis- ibility in South Africa’s mainstream media. [...] So it’s been a great healing journey and I’ve come to know and love and appreciate myself the way that I am. [...] ST: It has been in my own evolution as a queer person, learning to embrace all the parts of me. [...] I made a database of queer experts and experts that are in the queer space. [...] ST: I kind of like that I have some stuff in the archive. [...] I found myself wear- ing a dress the other day, and I mean, that can only happen in Joburg for me.